
Thank you for stopping by our website and blog. We "my wife and I" love making exciting artistic images for our clients. We are one of the few photographers that go outside the box and enjoy sometimes edgy, artsy, and crazy images. We are definitely not the traditional photographer but we are not weird either:) Well not too weird, ( I guess that just depends on how weird you are! LOL) Please take your time to scroll down to see some of our recent work and please be sure to hit the galleries as well.

Another great wedding and a couple of tips...

This wedding was shot earlier this at OSU and the McCoy center. They gave us an hour and a half with just them after the wedding for travel and pictures which turned out great, more time is always a huge plus. You can see more of the wedding on our website, click on Full Wedding.

Now for the tips. The main point we usually want to stress with our clients is time. There are several types and styles of wedding photography. Some photographers will say they only need the couple for twenty minutes or so for pictures. But this is hardly the case for quality sessions. If you think back to your senior pictures you probably spent over an hour on just yourself. So this brings the question how can you achieve excellence in 20 minutes with two people and a wedding party? To answer this questions I guess you would need to ask yourself how important is photography to you on your wedding day?

The reason we offer all day coverage is so that we are not restricting the time of which we have to offer to achieve the best of quality. If photography is something that is just a formality to your wedding and you just want some nice family photo's from the wedding, maybe the 20 minute deal is good for you. But if it is Art, Style, Variety, and Creative photography that you are wanting to hang on your walls and show off your album, then it takes time andr this does take work on your part. I once heard a great photographer say, its hard being photographed by me, but you look great. So when you are going through our website or another photographers website that you think looks so different and better than some of the other work that you have seen, just keep in mind the time and effort that the clients had to put in for that shot. Photography can be a big part of the wedding's budget, so you should take advantage of us....

We are not trying to discourage anyone from using us, but we want our clients to want best images we can provide and to give us the opportunity to do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing photo! Gorgeous couple!